Just a friendly reminder that it is the time of year for illnesses! Please help us stop the spread with in our schools.
Here is a quick reminder of our Temperature Illness Guidelines (also available in the Student Handbooks)
Students should be excluded from school should any of these symptoms be present.
● A body temperature at or above 100 degrees fahrenheit
● Vomiting
● Diarrhea
● Flu or COVID like symptoms.
The student does not need to have more than one of these symptoms to be excluded.
Students must remain free of any of the above symptoms for 24 hours without medications
(Tylenol/Ibuprofen) before returning to school.
ATTENTION: Parents of Kindergarteners and 7th graders,
According to the MN state law, your student(s) may need immunizations before the first day of school, please schedule an appointment with your medical provider now and then contact our office with the updated records. If you have any questions about immunizations or if you have a non-medical or medical exemption, a signed and notarized Immunization Form needs to be filed with our office.
Welcome to the Student Health Services Department! It is our mission to provide health related services which strengthen the educational process, in partnership with parents and school staff.
The school health offices are staffed every day that students are in attendance by a LPN or RN, with the support of a LSN (licensed school nurse) either in the buildings or on-call within the District.