History Matters

Since its inception in 1872, BPS has graduated an estimated 20,000 students and thousands of educators have taught those students, with equal numbers of staff, administrators and board of education members in support.  Over these many years and generations of citizens in all walks of life and all points of the world, BPS people have made history, been part of history, become historical figures themselves, have known historical personalities and have been witness to a wide range of life and knowledge.

What can some of our BPS people tell us, and the future “us,” about what they have seen and done “in history”?  What can they tell us about these history matters, experiences, personages, insights, events?  What do these BPS people have to say about  why the subject of “history,” as a one word summation of learning about the past - which is also yesterday, earlier today and a moment ago - is important for each of us to learn?

"History Matters” opens the door to the extended BPS community to help inform all of us to better understand each other, our commonalities and our experiences in life, as well as to the value of history in sharpening our abilities to think, to articulate and to improve the lives of others through the sharing of our experiences and the insights we have from those who have gone before.

The History Matters Index is found here.
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